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Assistance to two children's oncology departments of hospitals in our Republic1622892348

Every month our Foundation provides all the necessary assistance to two children's cancer departments of hospitals in our Republic! Thanks to your support, this month we were able to provide it in full!

Leukemia, lymphoma, glioma, sarcoma, neuroblastoma - this is only a partial list of the diagnoses of the young patients of our foundation. Of course, they need help in the fight against these terrible and not childish diseases. And we provide it, and, moreover, the most diverse: from the payment of medical treatment, surgeries and examinations to the purchase of drugs and all kinds of consumables.
Help with drugs, including expensive and hard to find, for small seriously ill patients of the departments of oncohematology INVX im. One of our most important areas of work is the Department of Oncohematology named after Gusak and the Department of Surgery of Donetsk Regional Children's Hospital. Dozens of children with different cancers are treated in these two departments, so help is needed here on a regular basis.

You can help seriously ill children in Donbass at our website

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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