
Новогодние чудеса в детской онкогематологии ИНВХ им.Гусака

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New Year's Miracles in Children's Oncohematology of the Gusak Institute of Oncohematology1622887680

Новогодние чудеса в детском онкоотделении

Two magical words that take us back to our childhood, when a decorated Christmas tree, falling snow, and gifts found under the tree in the morning caused incredible delight... That's how it was in our childhood. But there is another childhood, seized by a terrible disease... The childhood of our children with cancer... For them the key to the New Year's mood is not the snow or the Christmas trees, but good test results.

Despite such an alignment of events, our children still believe in a New Year's miracle and look forward to seeing Santa Claus at their second, "forced" home - the hospital.

We so wanted our strong, brave, but sensitive children to have a real New Year's Eve... Little heroes together with us wrote letters to Santa Claus, letters imbued with love and faith, touching, sweet, real. Letters that were answered not only by Santa Claus, but also by the beautiful Snow Maidens and even by Santa Claus!
Matinee Day... Our beautiful, smiling, dressed-up children... The New Year tree and Santa Claus... Electrical experiments from the Wizard and... a million children's smiles!

We express our sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to all of our Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and Santa Clauses who supported our project.

Without you, Wizards, there would not have been such a beautiful, light and warm holiday! Thank you, for proving to our children that cancer is not a sentence, and dreams do come true! A big bow to you! God bless you! Happy holidays!

Our children's New Year's dreams have come true... We believe that in 2019 the main dream of every child with cancer will come true - the disease will leave them forever and a happy, cheerful, HEAVY childhood will come!

Новогодние чудеса в детском онкоотделенииНовогодние чудеса в детском онкоотделенииНовогодние чудеса в детском онкоотделенииНовогодние чудеса в детском онкоотделенииНовогодние чудеса в детском онкоотделении

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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