
Новогодняя сказка для особых детей

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A New Year's fairy tale for special children1622887035

On New Year's Eve, every child looks forward to Santa Claus, presents, and sweets. Children in kindergartens and schools learn poems that they can recite at New Year's parties. At home, children and their parents decorate the Christmas tree.

All this pre-holiday bustle passes by our charges bed-ridden children with disabilities, which, because of the severity of their diagnosis not all can write or even draw a letter to Santa Claus with the help of his mother. Many of them are totally paralyzed and bedridden from birth and are physically unable to enjoy a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, gifts and Santa Claus.

Their days one after the other are similar to the previous one. But in spite of this, they are all just children. Small and so defenseless. When asked what to give their children parents are embarrassed, they throw up their hands. Before us there was a dilemma.

We tried to give the special kids a little Christmas miracle, we gave the little lying wards something that can connect them at least a little bit with the outside world, from which they are practically isolated.

Multifunctional musical projector, designed for auditory and visual perception. It has several modes, thanks to which the room of a seriously ill person will be filled with a variety of sounds of nature, and instead of the ceiling there will be a starry sky.

We thank all the snow maidens and magicians who took part in our kind event and delighted the children with New Year's greetings.

Новогодняя сказка для особых детей

Новогодняя сказка для особых детей

Новогодняя сказка для особых детей

Новогодняя сказка для особых детей

Новогодняя сказка для особых детей

Новогодняя сказка для особых детей

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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