
Let's all together help the unique boy Dimochka Vihrev

3 minutes of reading
Let's all together help the unique boy Dimochka Vihrev1628157114

Dima's case is unique! The boy has been living with a huge head for 6 years already - at the moment its circumference is 74 cm and weight is 15 kg. According to all the predictions of the doctors Dima should not live to this age ... But they did not take into account one thing - Dima EXTREMELY WANTED TO LIVE!

The story is told by his mother: "Dima was born prematurely at week 28, on the 10th day his head increased by 5 centimeters during the night. Then for the first time this incomprehensible word "hydrocephalus" sounded to me and the struggle began...... The fight for life and health of my son... The words of the neurosurgeon put me in shock .... Surgery was impossible - the risk of brain collapse was high.... And we were sent home ... Up to three years Dimochka developed as an ordinary child, but his head every month increased by three centimeters ... Doctors just threw their hands together ... I refused to believe that my child was doomed and kept looking for a way to cure the only son.... After three years the growth of his head stopped... So did his development... In 2014, despite the doubts of doctors Dima and I went to the dolphin therapy course at Kharkov dolphinarium. There my little boy held his head for the first time and said his first word. I couldn't be happier! After all, this is our first little victory! My faith performed a miracle! But the war crossed it all out.... During one of the bombardments Dima started convulsions from fright..... It's impossible to describe the state of my son.... I was in despair.... All the treatment had to start all over again.... At nine years of age Dima is not sitting, not speaking, not walking, hardly able to see anything. By now there had been several courses of dolphin therapy and rehabilitation using the Tomatissa method. He is making huge progress - he is now responding to my voice, he is holding a bottle and even turning his head upside down! The most important thing was that Dmitri Zinenko, the head of the neurosurgical department of the Pediatric Research Institute in Moscow, paid attention to our case. He performed the unique surgery on Dimochka to install shunt. Now we are at home and we are recuperating after receiving therapeutic treatment. We periodically pass rehabilitation courses. I can't thank everyone, who believes in Dimochka and supports him!

Please help this little but friendly family to raise money for supporting therapy, care products and rehabilitation for Dimochka

Created: 05.08.2021
Updated: 05.08.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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