On a beautiful day in May, Sonya Muzaleva, our little but very brave girl who has been fighting cancer for almost a year, celebrated her birthday. Sonya has only one big dream - to wake up healthy one day, forgetting forever about the harsh words "pain", "oncology", "fear"... And on our beauty's birthday, our…
Amazing title and no less amazing meaning behind this phrase! In the scientific literature the term "donation" is described as the voluntary donation of blood and its components by donors, as well as activities aimed at organizing and ensuring the safety of blood and its components. But we would say otherwise... Donation is an act of mercy, sensitivity and generosity. It is a sincere act of the heart... It is life given to another... This is heroism. Yes, yes, we think so!
All year 2020 our donors, despite the pandemic and the many complications caused by the coronavirus infection, did not stop giving life-saving blood in the name of children's lives! Sometimes donors spent their holidays at the Republican Blood Transfusion Station... At times our heroes had to travel from one end of the city to the other for this noble goal... In the heat of summer and in the freezing cold of winter...
Thanks to you, our heroes, we helped the little patients of two Donetsk oncological departments: the first surgical department of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital and the children's oncohematological department of the Guskov Institute of Oncology and Immunology. Husak. Together with you we snatched children from the clutches of the disease and returned smiles to their faces!
And now we would like to share with you the amazing numbers of human kindness, mercy and compassion for the year 2020:
Our Foundation held 6 charitable donor events to help seriously ill children;
Together with you, we responded to 135 emergency requests for blood donations;
For the sake of children's lives, 214 hero donors joined us;
During the year 85.6 liters of donor blood were donated to save the lives of children with cancer!
And most importantly! Thanks to you, our magicians, 18 children have been saved... 18 lives...
No matter what words we try to choose, we can't express our gratitude with them!
Donors! Thank you very much for your heroic, invaluable, and infinite help! You are the rays of good in our world... Beams that shine their light and warmth of their souls to children whose lives have been invaded by cancer... Your help not only gave hope for a speedy recovery to every critically ill child, but also saved children's lives! We wish you good health and the joy of your good deeds!
After reading these lines, do you also have a burning desire to help seriously ill children with your life-saving blood? Then write to the head of the foundation's donor service, and Ilya will tell you how to do this noble deed!