
Ремонт столовой в детском отделении Инвх им.Гусака

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Renovation of the canteen in the children's department of the Gusak Ins.1622887362

Ремонт столовой в отделении детской онкогематологии

Our dreams continue to come true.We are in a hurry to share with you another joyful event in the life of our team.Step by step the department of oncohematology supervised by us INVH named after Gusak is being transformed.

Finally in the department completed the repair of the dining room! Now instead of dull gray walls the kids are happy with incredibly bright and colorful clouds, and from the walls cheerfully wink at these cute characters. We never get tired of repeating, "Dreams do come true. The main thing is to believe in them!

Ремонт столовой в отделении детской онкогематологии

Ремонт столовой в отделении детской онкогематологии

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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