

2 minutes of reading

The holidays are behind us, which means it's time to take stock of the year 2020! All last year our BlagoTvoruje Workshop Shop was buzzing with work: the creative department of our Foundation, represented by parents of seriously ill children and volunteers, created beautiful masterpieces that found joyful responses in your hearts! Responses filled with kindness and mercy! And you and I carried out an extraordinary and very important mission - TO SAVE children's lives and lend a helping hand to children with serious illnesses.

Throughout the year 2020 you were real Do-gooders and together with us performed miracles, the results of which we present to you in numbers:
Thanks to your kindness and appreciation of our creative work, we were able to help 40 children with cancer who were wards of our Foundation from two Donetsk oncology departments: the first surgery department of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital and the children's oncohematology department of the Guskov Institute of Oncohematology. Husak.
Our Creative Parents Department of the Foundation held 29 charity fairs to support children with cancer in Donbass.
The Project Tree of Kindness with the Dobrosouvenirs made by parents of seriously ill children, children with cancer and volunteers of our Foundation, found a warm response in the hearts of many people! We thank our friends and partners who planted our trees at their workplaces - and you, our kind and sensitive 75! Thanks to you and everyone who bought our goodwill we were able to buy medicines, pay for expensive tests and examinations for children with cancer, for a total of 140,000 rubles.
Our new Super project Charity boxes (bright boxes with a meaning, in which we carefully collected useful and beautiful things) were liked by many people with kind hearts. Our boxes were purchased as gifts for relatives and friends, thereby doing a good deed! Funds raised from the sale of the boxes, amounting to 80 000 rubles, we were able to buy vital drugs for children with serious illnesses.

And only thanks to the support of many good people our difficult road is getting easier! Each of your kind words, your support and unwavering belief that kindness will save the world gives us strength and confidence that together we can do a lot more!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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