
Виртуальная выставка неповторимых работ Киры.

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A virtual exhibition of Kira's unique works.1622892517

The Virtual Exhibition of the Unreal.
I want to help people!

Kira at the age of 11 already knows for sure that she will become a doctor: "I want to help people".

When a child diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, undergoing the unbearable agony of treatment, says these words, it is shameful that we, as adults and healthy people, cannot dare to help one girl with a deadly disease.

Kira's hospital routine is filled with bright colors, because the girl loves to draw.

Her drawings are incredibly cheerful, cozy, and you can find so many cats, which unwittingly gives away Kira's boundless affection for them.
The girl doesn't hide it either, "I love cats. I have a cat Tom, he's very kind, he lets people he doesn't even know pet him, but if he gets angry he can bite," says Kira.

The girl's inner world is so deep that in moments of severe pain or during the introduction of chemotherapy, Kira tries not to communicate with anyone, but immerses herself in the world of creativity, so that only her drawings know about her pain.

We invite you to a virtual exhibition of Kira's unique works, which are imbued with a thirst for life, because such beauty and talent should see the world.

Now the collection on Kira is on hold, apparently it doesn't resonate with your souls.

But the girl's heart is beating and her desire to live and help others is burning inside. The girl trusts us with her life.

Let's save Kira together!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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