CREATIVITY AGAINST CANCER! Treatment for cancer is a long and complicated process. Punctures, daily IVs, and chemotherapy are common procedures for children with cancer. Transfusion of donor blood is the most common procedure, which improves the results and the overall well-being of the child. Donor blood is tested for the absence of HIV…
With these words all hell broke loose in our Rustamchik Lernich family. What we were so afraid of happened: the disease came back with renewed vigor. Now Rustam and his mother are having a hard time. The boy is spending in hospital bed almost all the time, he is in a lot of pain and suffering from serious malaise. From yesterday the boy's health condition is very poor and doctors are doing everything to save his life.
We ask for prayer support for Rustamchik from all the caring people! It's only with your support that the child will be able to conquer the disease for the second time!
Thanks to the "Tree of Kindness" project we were able to give emergency help to Rustamchik's family. We would like to thank all of our Wizards who took part in our campaign: Barbershop Britva Donetsk and personally Denis Lisun, Tattoo Shop "Sazha", Studio 13, Children's Center "HAPPY BISHKA", Fitness Club "Re<start", Beauty Studio "Caramel", Beauty Studio "Domino", Tattoo and Piercing Studio EAST-INK, thereby gave the boy a hope for a speedy recovery! Thank you for your support!