
По Благословению правящего митрополита Донецкой Епархии Владыки Илариона мы провели Благотворительные ярмарки в храмах Донецка, в помощь детям онкологическими заболеваниями

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By the blessing of the ruling Metropolitan of the Donetsk Diocese, Vladyka Hilarion, we held charity fairs in churches in Donetsk to help children with cancer.1622892821

Those were magical and bright days! You visited our charity fairs and made this world a better and kinder place!

We warmly thank Metropolitan Hilarion, ruling bishop of the Donetsk diocese, for his blessing to hold the fairs in 6 parishes of Donetsk:

Transfiguration Cathedral.
Cathedral of Holy Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia
Holy Protection of the Holy Mary Cathedral
St. George Church
Holy Prince Vladimir Church
Svyato-Usekvenensky Temple.

A special thank you to every responding parishioner with compassionate and open souls. You are friendly families who came to our charity tables and happily purchased goodies, supporting the children. Our good people, you show by your deeds that to be a Christian means to bear the burdens of your neighbors, in this case, children with cancer and other serious illnesses!

Thanks to your loving and responsive hearts at the charity fairs on the Great Feast of Easter and Palm Sunday 212,400 rubles were raised.

The funds will be used to pay for treatment for Karim Chaika (primary immunodeficiency disease), Kira Zagreba (acute myeloid leukemia), and Vanya Kulabukhov (acute lymphoblastic leukemia), (alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of accessory sinuses), Kabanov Ilya (yolk sac tumor of third ventricle), Rychko Sasha (pilocytic astrocytoma of 4th ventricle), Fedichak Vanya (germ cell tumor of brain). Thank you for helping children go through life-threatening and painful stages of treatment!

Special thanks to the staff of VECTOR supermarket chain for the pleasant Easter treats for the kids. Thank you for giving the kids joy and good mood!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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