Every child who passed away is a wound in our hearts that has not healed to this day. And during the foundation's existence we have many of them. It is a nagging pain that is with us forever. Death has taken our children when we least expected it. But in moments of loss, we are sure to have a new little life that needs our help. That is how,…
Treatment of brain tumors is always associated with risks and complications. Arina Buglo has an astrocytoma. It is a tumor of low malignancy, which fortunately can be treated, but nevertheless requires postoperative chemotherapy. Arinochka took the beginning of treatment very seriously. Her appetite was completely gone, and so was her strength to resist the disease. More often than not, the little girl could be seen curled up curled up on her crib. The effects of aggressive anti-tumor drugs on the little body led to progressive exhaustion and the development of severe protein-energy deficiency - an extremely dangerous condition that can lead to the most dire and unpredictable consequences. Enteral nutrition is the only way to normalize Arinochka's condition. Thanks to Darina Soldatova's help we were able to buy not only specialized medical formula feeding for Arina, but also the supplies for feeding.