
Новости Сонечки Аксеновой

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News from Sonya Aksenova1622890445

Sonia's mom writes:

Good afternoon, everyone! For the first time in 5 months the doctors let us go home for the weekend! I am afraid even to say it out loud, so as not to jinx it: Now my little girl is in remission. Sonya feels well, but her lab results are not good. Her white blood cell count is very low and this prevents us from starting the second protocol. Our therapist said that the artificial stimulation can be very harmful for Sofia's body. We are so worried about that! We want to forget about this nightmare we are in. Our Sonya is tired.
We have another scheduled test on Friday. We hope the results will be good and she will continue the treatment. Despite the difficult treatment and not so good news, we are very positive and optimistic! We believe that everything will be alright and in the future Sonyachka will become a doctor, just like she dreams to be able to cure other little children from this terrible disease!

Thank you to all the people who have helped and are still helping our family! A mother's thanks to you for your prayers and words of support! I read everything with tears in my eyes! I believe that my daughter will recover, because I am not the only one praying for her, but so many good people...

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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