
Глава Донецкой Народной Республики Денис Владимирович Пушилин и генеральный директор « ООО Первый ЛВЗ» Екатерина Викторовна Шейбут спасают маленьких онкобольных дончан !

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The head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin and the general director of LLC "First Distillery" Ekaterina Sheibut save the little people with cancer in Donetsk!1622890540

The Head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin and Yekaterina Sheybut, General Director of Pervyi LVZ LLC, save little Donets cancer patients!

The most important step in the treatment of children's tumor diseases is radiation therapy.
Young patients regularly undergo this procedure in two oncology departments in Donetsk.

The Bondar oncology center in Donetsk is the largest national oncology center. It has a Clinac linear gas pedal, which is the only device in the republic that can help children with all kinds of tumors of different localizations to undergo radiation therapy. Thanks to its performance the risk of metastasis is reduced, and the chance of the child going into remission as soon as possible and a full recovery is significantly increased. That is why malfunction of this device threatened the lives of three sick kids - Fedya Usachev (nephroblastoma), Lyonka Shkurko (rhabdomyosarcoma) and Lyosha Aleksashenko (nephroblastoma), for whom the radiation therapy was put off indefinitely. Our appeal for help to the leaders of the country has found a lightning response, because children's lives are not an empty word for them. Thanks to the help of Denis and Ekaterina Vladimirovich, we urgently received the necessary components for the complete resumption of the device, enabling the children with cancer in the Republic to receive all the necessary medical care!

On behalf of the team of the Fund, on behalf of the parents who are fighting for the lives of their children we express immeasurable and sincere gratitude for the saved children's lives!

Лучевая терапия ДНР

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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