
Торжественное открытие игровой комнаты.

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Grand opening of the game room.1622886685

Children's Oncohematology of the Institute of Oncohematology named after Gusak, Donetsk Magicians, do you believe that dreams come true?

Do you believe that the main thing is to set goals and work hard to achieve them? Make every effort to achieve your goal and the main thing to believe that everything will work out for sure. We always talk about this with our children and parents. So it was when we were doing our first little shy masterpieces in the department of oncohematology which later touched the souls of many bright people.

Thanks to our friends, the volunteers of the Orthodox parish of St. Eugenie of Rome of Saarbrücken, our deepest wish has come true.

The moment has come, which we all have been waiting for so long, with such a zeal to prepare! A great, sunny, emotional event at the children's oncohematology department - the grand re-opening of the renovated playroom, which had opened its doors to the magical world of a carefree childhood.

Happy sparkling with joy and impatience eyes of our children, shining smiles on their faces. What more could one wish for gratitude? Children were looking at their new play room with interest! The pictures on the walls fascinate by their realism. A wise owl, beautiful white clouds, sea waves, a kind dolphin. All that our children can not see in the walls of the hospital, our magical artist Vlad embodied in the paints, through which our children can now be transported to the time (which will surely come soon) when they will finally conquer the disease and enjoy all the colors of childhood, where everything is so bright and so special.

Our holiday for children was fun and cheerful. The kids with hilarious laughter and funny games met Mickey and Minnie from our true friends of the Children's Play Center "Carousel". Well friends, have we convinced you that dreams come true? You just have to want to.

Открытие игровой комнаты в отделении детской онкогематологии

Открытие игровой комнаты в отделении детской онкогематологии

Открытие игровой комнаты в отделении детской онкогематологии

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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