
Рождественские чудеса для деток сирот Донецка 2019

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Christmas miracles for orphans in Donetsk 20191622887897

Рождественские чудеса для деток-сирот Донецка

The Christmas miracles continue... Every baby wakes up on a festive morning from the tender kisses of beloved parents, hearing warm greetings and sorting out colorful presents under a decorated Christmas tree... But there is another reality... There are children whose lives have no mom's kisses, dad's hugs, and no rooms of their own... All these children are orphans... Our team wanted to give each child deprived of parental warmth a real Christmas party, and with it, a feeling of love and warmth...

Our little friends, pupils of the Republican Specialized Children's Home of Donetsk. On the eve of New Year's Eve they wrote touching letters to Santa Claus, asking the most fantastic Grandfather in the world to fulfill their dreams... Fulfilling the dreams of these kids has long been a good tradition for us. Unfortunately, because of a small quarantine, Santa Claus came to visit the kids a little later. And of course, we couldn't leave them without attention! Every orphan child's Christmas dream came true!

We sincerely thank all of our magicians and fairies for making children's wishes come true and giving them the faith in miracles that they will carry through their lives!

Рождественские чудеса для деток-сирот ДонецкаРождественские чудеса для деток-сирот ДонецкаРождественские чудеса для деток-сирот ДонецкаРождественские чудеса для деток-сирот ДонецкаРождественские чудеса для деток-сирот Донецка

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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