HOW WORLD SMILE DAY ALMOST PASSED US BY We can't hide it from you anymore. We don't help the kids, the kids help us! Or rather, it's a two-way process! We'll explain in a moment. We come to the children's cancer ward to conduct a class. We announce the theme of the day, lay out art supplies, and immerse ourselves in…
Looking at these children, our adult problems seem insignificant and insignificant...
Some of these kids grew up in an orphanage and never knew their mother's hands... Some of them were not even in their infancy... Some of them were abandoned at a mature age. It is useless to look for the reasons why these children were not needed... Perhaps the parents just could not accept the diagnosis of their son or daughter....And maybe they didn't want to..... ...There are palliative children among them ...Those who can not be helped anymore.... These children go quietly and unnoticed, in hospitals, intensive care ...Forgotten and lonely.... The majority of them have serious but corrected diagnoses, with which they could live a long and happy life ... or even in a family ... But sadly these children stay within the walls of orphanages...
For a long time we have been providing medicines, medical supplies and care products to a group of disabled children of the Specialized Republican Home of Donetsk. We have found support in the person of trustee of our fund - Alexander Shekaev. Owing to his help these kids regularly receive necessary therapy, including expensive preparations.