And we had the opening of the movie season! Our charity event for little children from social institutions in Donetsk was launched. Our friends from the Sushi Life restaurant chain were the organizers. And the first ones to take part in it were the kids from Teremok orphanage! They were offered an exciting entertainment program, the highlight…
Foundation Report for the first half of 2021 .
Wizards, every day you and I carry out a special mission - together we save children's lives and give a helping hand to those whose lives were invaded by disease, fear and pain.
Thanks to you we were able to help many seriously ill children and orphans of Donbass. We do our best to help our beneficiaries.
It is an indescribable feeling of guilt when a child with a serious illness dies - adults and the strong could not save a little life. That's why, every time we turn to you, to incredible people with huge hearts, for help and salvation. One, two or three persons are unable to help to a great number of children requiring help and only due to thousand kind hearts seriously ill children receive timely help, and life of orphans become a little easier and happier.
Everyone has their own destiny, determined by God, but in our power, wonderful people, to do everything that depends on us: do not pass by, do not put off for tomorrow, to share the story of a child, tell about us, donate blood, donate for treatment or support activities and projects of the fund, and thus affect the fate of children.
In the first half of the year 2021 :
65 children with cancer and other serious illnesses received timely, targeted medical assistance.
For 32 children assistance with delivery and payment for biopsy specimens for immunohistochemical studies in the laboratories of the clinics of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital in Moscow, the Dmitriy Rogachev Center and the Moscow branch of the Russian Cancer Society. In the Moscow Institute of Endocrinology and the R. Gorbachev Clinic, St. Petersburg
for the Department of Pediatric Oncohematology of the Guskov Institute of Oncohematology, St. Petersburg, Russia. In the department of children's oncohematology INVH named after Gusak and the first surgery of Donetsk Regional Children's Clinical Hospital have been purchased medicines for complex therapy, as well as the necessary consumables in full, according to requests from clinics.
Enteral specialized nourishment was provided for infants in the department of pathology of newborns, as well as severely ill orphans in the intensive care department of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital in Donetsk.
For 9 little wards of the Foundation, we paid for the treatment and examinations in Russian clinics
For young orphans, wards of 3 orphanages in Donetsk, specialized Baby Home, preschool orphanage "Teremok" and orphans with disabilities of orphanage in Debaltseve bought medicines necessary for the treatment and prevention of seasonal and severe diseases, and also provided hygiene and personal care means .
We organized and paid the trips to medical clinics in the Russian Federation for 18 children.
Thanks to our donors, we have provided donor blood and helped 32 children with cancer and immunologic diseases.
we have held 18 charity fairs, 28 festive events for orphans, and 38 different campaigns and events for children with serious diseases.
8 families with palliative children under our patronage
Together with the Ministry of Health of Donetsk, organized and conducted the first seminar in the republic, devoted to palliative care for children, in order to develop palliative care for children across the entire territory of Donetsk People's Republic. The seminar was devoted to the popularization and development of palliative care for children, improving the quality of medical education, rendering effective help to children. After the seminar, a working group was created, and our fund was included into it. We've planned a series of events and meetings, webinars and conferences in this area for the 2nd half of the year 2021 and 2022.
We took upon ourselves the organization and payment of transport costs for the delegation of leading oncologists of the DNR, who participated in the Russian Congress "Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology of the XXI century: from science to practice", which was held in Moscow on May 27-29, 2021 and was dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of Rogachev Scientific Research Center of DGOI.
Established close cooperation and concluded contracts for the provision of medical services with 4 specialized clinics of the Russian Federation.
Participated in various seminars and webinars with representatives of Russian NGOs
Representatives of Russian non-profit organizations on effective solutions to local charity problems, and participated in a series of events to prevent burnout among employees.
Participated in round tables at the international level on contemporary problems of philanthropy
Our employees were trained at the Academy of Fundraising.
Your kindness in numbers and the amount of donations made to the details of the fund amounted to 6,480,000 rubles.
All this we wouldn't have been able to do without YOUR support!
We have a lot of hard work and new rescue stories ahead of us, but we feel and believe that we can do it.
Without your help we would not have been able to do such a great job, without you there would not be these figures, there would be no help and so much good. Together with you, our difficult journey becomes easier! Every kind word of support and unshakable belief that kindness will save the world, gives us strength and confidence that, together we can do a lot more! Thank you to each and every one of you do-gooders,