Rhabdomyosarcoma did not spare Sasha Kasyanova's eye. It was removed completely, together with the eyelid. Sasha's struggle began two years ago. How happy we were when the treatment ended in victory and remission! One year later the cancer returned. And it attacked with twice as much force. It was infinitely painful to watch how quickly…
As I heard the bells ringing, my heart raced and I wanted to feel the joy of the holiday, but the pain under my collarbone and the oppressive weakness in my whole body prevented me from doing so
This is how each story of a child with cancer begins, spending Easter holiday within the walls of the hospital, because RAC has no holidays, no days off.
It would seem that what can comfort and help children who are in constant agony and are in a constant struggle for life, to feel the joy of a sunny Easter day?
The feeling that they are needed and that their lives have great meaning, not only for them and their families, but also for the many caring people who are ready to respond to their unfathomable grief.
We sincerely thank Fr. Svyatoslav, as well as the parishioners of St. Nicholas Church, for their constant prayer and material assistance to children with cancer. This month you have helped the children in the amount of 100 000 rubles.
May the Lord repay you a hundredfold for your work and dedication! And may He bless you for every good deed!
Thanks to your support, we helped the children Vanya Kulabukhov (acute lymphoblastic leukemia), Diana Lavrova (acute lymphoblastic leukemia), Yaroslava Maltseva (Hodgkin lymphoma), Andrey Danchenko (Hodgkin lymphoma), Lisa Nasirova (acute myeloid leukemia), Kira Zagreba (acute myeloid leukemia).
Easter joy is not only about consecrated cakes, shouts of "Christ is Risen!" and attending amazing services. Easter joy is a miracle performed by the deeds of ordinary people, thanks to whom children get a chance for a healthy life and strengthen their faith in the good that they keep in their hearts forever.