
Сбор на лечение Сони Куликовой закрыт!

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The collection for Sonya Kulikova's treatment is closed!1622892918

What do parents gain when they hear those two cherished words Collect is closed? - Faith. Faith that they are not alone in their trouble.

What does a seriously ill child gain? - A chance. A chance to return to a healthy and happy childhood without pain or suffering.

What do we gain? - Confidence. Confidence in your support and trust.

What do parents and we feel? Unlimited gratitude!
You and I have won another victory in the fight called "Children's Life"!

Yes, the baby's fight is not over - Sonya and her parents are only half way through, there are 7 blocks of chemotherapy ahead of her. Cancer treatment can't be predicted or foreseen, but we are here for her, and we're always ready to help her even after the fight is over!

Created: 05.06.2021
Updated: 05.06.2021
Head of the Charity Fund "Time of the Good"

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