
Eva Dolya


злокачественная рабдоидная опухоль шеи⠀⠀

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"Look, I have a tube right here," two-year-old Eva points to the tracheostomy with her finger. The baby was put in when it became clear that a huge tumor on her neck was pressing on her trachea and she could suffocate.
At the end of March, after a walk, Eva's parents noticed a strange swelling on her daughter's neck.
"It didn't hurt or bother Eva, so we thought it was just a bruise or bite. Until this swelling began to grow rapidly. - says Eva's dad.

The pediatrician concluded "purulent lymphodenitis" and sent us to an oral and facial surgeon.
Donetsk doctors, seeing the size of the tumor in Eva (it had already increased by almost two times), immediately began to prepare our little girl for surgery to remove the pus. Two hours later everything was over. We did not know then that everything had just begun. Evochka was brought to the ward but ... The tumor was still there! To our dumb question the doctor said that the diagnosis of lymphedema was not confirmed, and in the neck of our daughter's growing tumor. And even partially removing it, in Donetsk, is impossible.
"We took a biopsy, a sample should be sent to Moscow for analysis, the tumor is growing too fast, we must exclude its malignancy "- the confidence of the doctor reassured us a little.
We had to wait almost two weeks for an answer from the laboratory of the clinic. We had to wait almost two weeks for the answer from the laboratory of Dmitri Rogachev Clinic. During this time the tumor had tripled in size and it was already difficult for Evochka to breathe... The biopsy results were shocking - an extremely rare and aggressive tumour of high grade malignancy. The recommendation was surgery in Moscow, but we were to undergo several courses of the most severe chemotherapy. The very next day we were transferred to the oncology department. I can't even pronounce it out loud: oncology and cancer. You can never be prepared for that. Why is our little girl so... We would give anything to keep Evochka alive... Please help us save our little girl.

News 20.06.20

Mama writes:
The first and most important news - after the first chemotherapy unit the tumor shrank! And Evochka took it well !!! God heard my prayers !!! Of course, we had some cranky dreams, we even had no chance to do an ultrasound scan. But thank God the tests did not fall, even the hair is still in place ... The second, no less good news, we are ready to accept for surgery in Moscow clinic named after Dmitri Rogachev. But there is the most difficult and high-dose second block of chemotherapy ahead. Lord, don't leave me, help me. And only after that there will be a repeat MRI, which will show whether our girl is ready for surgery. There are so many trials ahead for my baby Evik ... We are just at the beginning of our difficult journey to recovery, which I believe will come! For this belief, humbly bow to all the caring people who help us through this ordeal ... Your support gives us the strength to fight!

NEWS 26.06.20

"We're with a new haircut. We decided not to wait for the hair to fall out..." writes Eva's mother.
"Evik took the change very calmly ... she's so little and doesn't understand why Mom won't braid her perky ponytails now ... We had a tracheostomy change yesterday, checked the subclavian catheter and started the second batch of chemo combination therapy ... So far Evochka is doing well. I am waiting with horror for aplasia, which, alas, can not be avoided ... It is a condition where all the indicators of analysis drop and the body becomes weaker. But we'll get through it! We won't leave a single chance for this disgusting thing! With support like yours, we believe we can defeat cancer.

NEWS 20.07.20

Eva's mother Ekaterina is writing:
Good afternoon everyone from our family! So much has happened lately, I want to share it with you. On July 10 we went to Moscow, to the clinic named after D. Rogachev. On the 10th of July we went to Moscow to the clinic after D. Rogachev for further treatment. It was the first time Evusya saw an airplane, it was a pity that such a joyful event happened under such sad circumstances. At the airport we were met by doctors in Moscow and the details of the upcoming treatment plan were explained to us. At the clinic we immediately checked into a room and were quarantined. That same day we were tested for Covid-19. The results came back negative. But we had to keep the isolation.
On July 13th, we had our long-awaited event - for the first time in 3 days, the doctors allowed us to leave the hospital room, removing for us part of the rules of isolation! Hooray! Now Evik can play and communicate with other children! This is very important for us! The more my little one smiles and is happy, the better she feels and cope with the treatment! Yesterday we had a lot of tests and exams! Evusya was tired and cried a lot, but she braved the trials with courage!
Also my two year old said some important and grown up words. She hugged me and loudly announced: "Mommy, I'm strong!" Yes, baby girl, we are both strong... We can do it! I have no doubt about it! At night I ask God not to leave our family... And I'm not sad.
Thank you, friends, for helping my baby! Thanks to your kind words, support, prayers and wishes, we believe only in good things! You give us strength to fight the disease!

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