

10 January

Santa Claus exists! And he lives in the heart of each of us! Do not believe me? And we will prove it! After all, how else to call the fact that human kindness continues to oppose children's cancer!
On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, together with the BARBER SHOP BRITVA our charity event "Bearded Santa Claus" took place, during which part of the money, equal to 50 rubles from each treatment, was directed to help seriously ill children - charges of our foundation.

Thanks to our sensitive, merciful and incredibly kind wizards we managed to raise 20,650 rubles.
This amount was used to buy medicines for children with cancer who are being treated at the Department of Children's Oncohematology of the Institute of Oncohematology named after A.V. Lomonosov. Gusak. We were able to help Kira Zagreba, Lisa Nasirova, Zhenya Sosnitsky, and Diana Lavrova.
We wish the children good health and bow to you, our friends, for your spiritual warmth and help for the children!
May God reward you for your good deeds!

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